Kyle Hall
Kyle Hall is a PhD candidate in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Calgary under the supervision of Dr. Sheelagh Carpendale and Dr. Peter Kusalik. His research interests lie at the intersection of physical chemistry, simulations, and visualization. By combining these interests in novel ways, he advances both chemistry and visualization research. His current computer science research themes include visualizations of chemical simulations, the role of emphasis in visualization, and graphs. His PhD research has been funded by the Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship Program, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, Alberta Innovates - Technology Futures (AITF), the Ireland Canada University Foundation, and the Izaak Walton Killam Pre-Doctoral Scholarship Program. Kyle strongly believes that scientific cooperation is a powerful strategy to realize ambitious research goals. Consequently, he has collaborated with researchers in China, France, Ireland, Scotland and the United States during his PhD.
- Email: hallkw
Recent Projects
Kyle Wm. Hall, Sheelagh Carpendale and Peter G. Kusalik. Evidence from mixed hydrate nucleation for a funnel model of crystallization. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113(43):12041-12046, 2016. | ||
Kyle Wm. Hall, Charles Perin, Peter G. Kusalik, Carl Gutwin and Sheelagh Carpendale. Formalizing Emphasis in Information Visualization. Computer Graphics Forum. The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2016. | ![]() | |
Benjamin Bach, Natalie Kerracher, Kyle Wm. Hall, Sheelagh Carpendale, Jessie Kennedy and Nathalie Henry Riche. Telling Stories About Dynamic Networks with Graph Comics. In Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. (New York, NY, USA), ACM, pages 3670-3682, 2016. | ||
Kyle Wm. Hall, Edelsys Codorniu-Hernández, Peter G. Kusalik and Sheelagh Carpendale. ERICAs: Enabling insights into ab initio Molecular Dynamics simulations. In 2015 IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis), pages 105-109, April, 2015. | ||
Edelsys Codorniu-Hernández, Kyle Wm. Hall, A. Daniel Boese, Daniel Ziemianowicz, Sheelagh Carpendale and Peter G. Kusalik. Mechanism of O(3P) Formation from a Hydroxyl Radical Pair in Aqueous Solution. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 11(10):4740-4748, 2015. | ||
Edelsys Codorniu-Hernández, Kyle Wm. Hall, Daniel Ziemianowicz, Sheelagh Carpendale and Peter G. Kusalik. Aqueous production of oxygen atoms from hydroxyl radicals. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 16:26094-26102. The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2014. |