Innovations in Visualization


M. Rounding, S. Greenberg and M.S.T. Carpendale. Awareness Projected: Moving Awareness to a Public Space. In Proceedings of the Western Computer Graphics Symposium, 2000. PDF Paper Δ
A. Zanella, M. Rounding, M. S. T. Carpendale. On the Effects of Visual Cues in Comprehending Distortions.. Research report 2000-668-20, Department of Computer Science, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, 2000. PDF Paper
M. Boyle, S. Kaasten, M. Rounding, J. Tam, A. Zanella, S. Greenberg, M.S.T. Carpendale and F. Maurer. Grouplab at Skigraph. Research report 2000-652-04, Department of Computer Science, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 2000. PDF Paper