Taghipour, Parnian, Rezaie, Maryam, Levy, Michelle, Shermer, Thomas and Carpendale, Sheelagh. Supporting Exploration of Women’s Print History Project Data via Interactively Constructing Networks of Interest. In Proceedings of the 2024 International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, pages 1-9, 2024.
Waseem, Komal, Sturdee, Miriam, Wang, Zezhong, Lewis, Rachel A, Tonelli, Marcello and Carpendale, Sheelagh. Exploring Using Personalised Comics for Healthcare Communication for Patients Living With Hemodialysis. In Proceedings of the 2024 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference, pages 859-873, 2024.
Daneshzand, Foroozan, Perin, Charles and Carpendale, Sheelagh. Design Process of ’Shredded Lives’: An Illustrated Exploration.Pictorial. In VISAP at IEEE VIS, 2024.
Wang, Zezhong, Hao, Shan and Carpendale, Sheelagh. Card-Based Approach to Engage Exploring Ethics in AI for Data Visualization. In Extended Abstracts of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, pages 1-7, 2024.
Rezaie, Maryam, Tory, Melanie and Carpendale, Sheelagh. Multiple Contributions to the Practices and Challenges of Comprehending Visualizations. In Poster: IEEE PacificVis, 2024.
Daneshzand, Foroozan, Perin, Charles and Carpendale, Sheelagh. Unfolding Climate Stories: Kirigami Data Art in the Wild. In Poster: Graphics Interface 2023, 2023. Award: BEST POSTER Runner-Up.
Rezaie, Maryam, Tory, Melanie and Carpendale, Sheelagh. Explainable Visualizations. In Poster: Designing For People Seminar 2023, . University of British Columbia, 2023.
Freeman, Georgina, Losev, Tatiana, Carpendale, Sheelagh, Wylant, Barry and Oehlberg, Lora. Slow Data and Healthcare Co-design: Exploring tensions through duoethnography and data physicalization. In Material for Design Workshop at CHI 2023, 2023.
Wong-Aitken, David, Rajabi, Parsa, Carpendale, Sheelagh and Chilana, Parmit K. TangiBooks: Design and Creation of Paper-Based Tangibles with Embedded Electronics for Teaching Programming Concepts. In 2023 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC), pages 12-24, . IEEE, 2023.
Wang, Zezhong, Gruber, Stephan, Levy, Michelle and Carpendale, Sheelagh. Data Comics for Climate Change. In Poster: Designing For People Seminar 2023, . University of British Columbia, 2023.
Wang, Zezhong, Gruber, Stephan, Levy, Michelle and Carpendale, Sheelagh. Data Comics for Climate Change. In Poster: Graphics Interface 2023, 2023.
Wong-Aitken, David, Rajabi, Parsa, Carpendale, Sheelagh and Chilana, Parmit. Demo: Tangibooks. In Designing For People Design Showcase 2023, . University of British Columbia, 2023. BEST DEMO Runner-Up.
Taghipour, Parnian, Levy, Michelle, Shermer, Thomas and Carpendale, Sheelagh. New Data Implies New Challenges. In Poster: Graphics Interface 2023, 2023.
Taghipour, Parnian, Levy, Michelle, Shermer, Thomas and Carpendale, Sheelagh. New Data Implies New Challenges. In Poster: Designing For People Seminar 2023, . University of British Columbia, 2023.
Daneshzand, Foroozan, Perin, Charles and Carpendale, Sheelagh. Using KiriPhys to Show Expanding Carbon Emissions. In Workshop Viz4Climate at IEEE VIS’22, 2022.
Hull, Carmen, Knudsen, Soren, Carpendale, Sheelagh and Willett, Wesley. Simultaneous Worlds: Supporting Fluid Exploration of Multiple Data Sets via Physical Models. In Graphics Interface 2022, 2022.
Carpendale, Sheelagh. Our Data Heritage. In Creativity and Cognition, pages 3-4, 2022.
Sturdee, Miriam, Lewis, Makayla, M{\'e}ndez, Gonzalo Gabriel, Phoa, Jess, Hoang, Thuong and Carpendale, Sheelagh. SketCHI 3.0: Hands-on special interest group on sketching education in HCI. In Extended Abstracts of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, pages 1-4, 2020.
Foroozan Daneshzand, Bhairavi Warke, Charles Perin and Sheelagh Carpendale. Physicalization Inspired by Kirigami. In Poster: InfoVis track, IEEE VIS, 2020.
Losev, Tatiana, Storteboom, Sarah, Carpendale, Sheelagh and Knudsen, S{\o}ren. Distributed Synchronous Visualization Design: Challenges and Strategies. In Evaluation and Beyond - Methodological Approaches to Visualization (BELIV). IEEE Computer Society, pages 1-10, 2020. Also available as arXiv preprint arXiv:2009.02306.
Losev, Tatiana, Storteboom, Sarah, Carpendale, Sheelagh and Knudsen, Søren. Distributed Synchronous Visualization Design: Challenges and Strategies. In 2020 IEEE Workshop on Evaluation and Beyond - Methodological Approaches to Visualization (BELIV), pages 1-10, 2020.
Rajabiyazdi, Fateme, Perin, Charles, Oehlberg, Lora and Carpendale, Sheelagh. Exploring the Design of Patient-Generated Data Visualizations. In Graphics Interface Conference (GI), . Canadian Information Processing Society, 2020.
Aseniero, Bon Adriel, Perin, Charles, Willett, Wesley, Tang, Anthony and Carpendale, Sheelagh. Activity River: Visualizing Planned and Logged Personal Activities for Reflection. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, BEST PAPER HONOURABLE MENTION, pages 1-9, 2020.
Wun, Tiffany, Oehlberg, Lora A, Sturdee, Miriam and Carpendale, Sheelagh. You say Potato, I say Po-Data: Physical Template Tools for Visualization Authoring. In Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction, pages 297-206, . ACM Press, 2019.
Sturdee, Miriam, Mann, Samuel and Carpendale, Sheelagh. Sketching Sustainability in Computing. In Proceedings of the 2019 on Creativity and Cognition, pages 29-40, . ACM, 2019.
Wun, Tiffany, Oehlberg, Lora, Sturdee, Miriam and Carpendale, Sheelagh. You say Potato, I say Po-Data: Physical Template Tools for Authoring Visualizations. In Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction, pages 297-306, 2019.
Ledo, David, Vermeulen, Jo, Carpendale, Sheelagh, Greenberg, Saul, Oehlberg, Lora and Boring, Sebastian. Astral: Prototyping Mobile and Smart Object Interactive Behaviours Using Familiar Applications. In Proceedings of the 2019 on Designing Interactive Systems Conference, pages 711-724, . ACM, 2019.
Thudt, Alice, Hinrichs, Uta, Huron, Samuel and Carpendale, Sheelagh. Self-reflection and personal physicalization construction. In Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, pages 1-13, 2018.
Søren Knudsen, Jo Vermeulen, Doris Kosminsky, Jagoda Walny, Mieka West, Christian Frisson, Bon Adriel Aseniero, Lindsay MacDonald Vermeulen, Charles Perin, Lien Quach, Peter Buk, Katrina Tabuli, Shreya Chopra, Wesley Willett and Sheelagh Carpendale. Interactions: Democratizing Open Energy Data for Public Discourse using Visualization. In Extended Abstracts of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM, pages 1-4, 2018.
Loorak, M, Tory, Melanie and Carpendale, Sheelagh. ChangeCatcher: Increasing Inter-author Awareness for Visualization Development. In Computer Graphics Forum, 37(3) Pages 51-62, . Wiley Online Library, 2018.
Sheelagh Carpendale, Shaowen Bardzell, Margaret Burnett, Neha Kumar and Madeline Balaam. Panel: Extending Conversations About Gender and HCI. In Extended Abstracts of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM, pages 1-6, 2018.
Søren Knudsen and Sheelagh Carpendale. The Visualization View as a Toolbox. In ACM CHI 2018 Workshop on Rethinking Interaction, 2018.
Wun, Tiffany, Oehlberg, Lora and Carpendale, Sheelagh. Making-With-Data: Supporting DIY Data Physicalizations. In ACM CHI 2018 Workshop on Making, DIY, and Participatory Design, 2018.
Katherine Currier, Søren Knudsen, Miriam Sturdee and Sheelagh Carpendale. Combining Ideation and Journaling to Explore to New Possibilities for Visualization on Mobile Devices. In ACM CHI 2018 Workshop on MobileVis, 2018.
Hull, Carmen, Willett, Wesley J and Carpendale, Sheelagh. Simultaneous Worlds: Using Physical Models to Contextualize and Compose Visualizations., 2018.
Hynes, Lisa, Huynh, Tina, Storteboom, Sarah, Walny, Jagoda, Frisson, Christian, Kosminsky, Doris, West, Mieka, Carpendale, Sheelagh and Willett, Wesley. Discovering the Data Mapping of an Unfamiliar Visualization. In Posters Compendium InfoVis, 2018.
Perin, Charles, Vuillemot, Romain, Stolper, Charles D, Stasko, John T, Wood, Jo and Carpendale, Sheelagh. State of the art of sports data visualization. In Computer Graphics Forum, 37(3) Pages 663-686, . Wiley Online Library, 2018.
Rajabiyazdi, Fateme, Perin, Charles, Oehlberg, Lora and Carpendale, Sheelagh. Personal patient-generated data visualizations for diabetes patients. In Posters Compendium InfoVis at IEEE VIS, 2018.
Ta, Kevin, Vermeulen, Jo, Oehlberg, Lora and Carpendale, Sheelagh. Product Fingerprints: Studying Mobile Visualizations In-Situ. In ACM CHI 2018 Workshop: Data Visualization on Mobile Devices, 2018.
Currier, Katherine and Carpendale, Sheelagh. Arctic Movement: Visualization of a Photographic Collection. In Posters Compendium InfoVis, 2018.
Kendra Wannamaker, Wesley J. Willett, Lora A.Oehlberg, Sheelagh Carpendale. Data Embroidery: Exploring Alternative Mediums for Personal Physicalization, (BEST POSTER, HONORABLE MENTION)., 2018.
Tina Huynh, Søren Knudsen, Sheelagh Carpendale. Views as Rich Menus for Other Views: A Case Study on Personal Data Visualization., 2018.
Sturdee, Miriam, Alexander, Jason, Coulton, Paul and Carpendale, Sheelagh. Sketch & the lizard king: Supporting image inclusion in HCI publishing. In Extended Abstracts of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, pages 1-10, 2018.
Rajabiyazdi, Fateme, Perin, Charles, Oehlberg, Lora and Carpendale, Sheelagh. The challenges of individuality to technology approaches to personally collected health data. In Proceedings of the 11th EAI International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare, pages 448-451, . ACM, 2017.
Rajabiyazdi, Fateme, Perin, Charles, Vermeulen, Jo, MacLeod, Haley, Gromala, Diane and Carpendale, Sheelagh. Differences That Matter: In-Clinic Communication Challenges. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare, 2017.
Sarah Storteboom, Alice Thudt, Søren Knudsen and Sheelagh Carpendale. Objective Meaning: Presentation Mediation in an Interactive Installation. In Proceedings of the 2017 ACM International Conference on Interactive Surfaces and Spaces (ISS '17). ACM, pages 360-365, 2017.
Bach, Benjamin, Dragicevic, Pierre, Archambault, Daniel, Hurter, Christophe and Carpendale, Sheelagh. A Descriptive Framework for Temporal Data Visualizations Based on Generalized Space-Time Cubes. In Computer Graphics Forum, 36(6) Pages 36-61, . Wiley Online Library, 2017.
Sheelagh Carpendale, Søren Knudsen, Alice Thudt and Uta Hinrichs. Tutorial: Analyzing Qualitative Data. In Proceedings of the 2017 ACM International Conference on Interactive Surfaces and Spaces (ISS '17). ACM, pages 477-481, 2017.
Søren Knudsen and Sheelagh Carpendale. Multiple Views in Immersive Analytics. In IEEE VIS Workshop on Immersive Analytics, 2017.
Bach, Benjamin, Cordeil, Maxime, Dwyer, Tim, Lee, Bongshin, Saket, Bahador, Endert, Alex, Collins, Christopher and Carpendale, Sheelagh. Immersive analytics: Exploring future visualization and interaction technologies for data analytics. In IEEE VIS, Accepted Workshop, 2017.
Sheelagh Carpendale, Uta Hinrichs, Søren Knudsen, Alice Thudt and Melanie Tory. Tutorial: Analyzing Qualitative Data. In IEEE Proceedings of VIS 2017, 2017.
Benjamin Bach, Natalie Kerracher, Kyle Wm. Hall, Sheelagh Carpendale, Jessie Kennedy and Nathalie Henry Riche. Telling Stories About Dynamic Networks with Graph Comics. In Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. (New York, NY, USA), ACM, pages 3670-3682, 2016.
Tiffany Wun, Jennifer Payne, Samuel Huron, Sheelagh Carpendale. Comparing Bar Chart Authoring with Microsoft Excel and TangibleTiles. In the 18th Proceedings of the Eurographics Conference on Visualization (EuroVis). (Groningen, the Netherlands), The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2016.
Alice Thudt, Jagoda Walny, Charles Perin, Fateme Rajabiyazdi, Lindsay MacDonald, Riane Vardeleon, Saul Greenberg, and Sheelagh Carpendale. Assessing the Readability of Stacked Graphs. In Proceedings of the 2016 Graphics Interface Conference, 2016.
Jo Vermeulen, Lindsay MacDonald, Johannes Schöning, Russell Beale, and Sheelagh Carpendale. Heartefacts: Augmenting Mobile Video Sharing Using Wrist-Worn Heart Rate Sensors. In Proceedings of the 2016 Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, 2016.
Katayoon Etemad, Faramarz Samavati and Sheelagh Carpendale. Daisy Visualization for Graphs. In Proceedings of Computational Aesthetics in Graphics, Visualization, and Imaging, (CAe'16), pages 103-112, 2016.
Sebastian Lay, Jo Vermeulen, Charles Perin, Eric Donovan, Raimund Dachselt, Sheelagh Carpendale. Slicing the Aurora. In Exhibit, IEEE VIS 2016 Arts Program (VISAP'16 Metamorphoses). IEEE, 2016.
Sadeghi, Javad, Perin, Charles, Flemisch, Tamara, Hancock, Mark and Carpendale, Sheelagh. Flexible Trees: Sketching Tree Layouts. In Proceedings of the International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces. (New York, NY, USA), ACM, pages 84-87, 2016.
Søren Knudsen, Sheelagh Carpendale. View Relations: An Exploratory Study on Between-View Meta-Visualizations. In NordiCHI '16: Proceedings of the 9th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. ACM, pages 15:1-15:10, 2016.
Sebastian Lay, Jo Vermeulen, Charles Perin, Eric Donovan, Raimund Dachselt, Sheelagh Carpendale. Slicing the Aurora: An Immersive Proxemics-Aware Visualization. In Immersive Analytics '16, ACM ISS 2016 Workshop. ACM, pages 91-97, 2016.
Bon Adriel Aseniero, Charles Perin, Marjan Eggermont, Sheelagh Carpendale. Fireflies: Biomimicry-Inspired Infovis for Exploring Public Opinion about an Infectious Disease. In Poster Session, IEEE Information Visualization (InfoVis 2016). IEEE, 2016.
Bon Adriel Aseniero, Charles Perin, Marjan Eggermont, Sheelagh Carpendale. Fireflies: Expressive Infovis Inspired by Biomimicry. In Demo, IEEE VIS 2016 Arts Program (VISAP'16 Metamorphoses). IEEE, 2016.
Botros, Fadi, Perin, Charles, Aseniero, Bon Adriel and Carpendale, Sheelagh. Go and Grow: Mapping Personal Data to a Living Plant. In Proceedings of the International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces. (New York, NY, USA), ACM, pages 112-119, 2016.
Bon Adriel Aseniero, Tiffany Wun, David Ledo, Guenther Ruhe, Anthony Tang and Sheelagh Carpendale. STRATOS: Using Visualization to Support Decisions in Strategic Software Release Planning. In CHI '15: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. (Seoul, South Korea), pages 1479-1488, Apr, 2015.
Alice Thudt, Uta Hinrichs and Sheelagh Carpendale. A Modular Approach to Promote Creativity and Inspiration in Search. In Proceedings of the 2015 ACM Conference on Creativity and Cognition, 2015.
Kyle Wm. Hall, Edelsys Codorniu-Hernández, Peter G. Kusalik and Sheelagh Carpendale. ERICAs: Enabling insights into ab initio Molecular Dynamics simulations. In 2015 IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis), pages 105-109, April, 2015.
Fateme Rajabiyazdi, Charles Perin, Sheelagh Carpendale. WESt: Visualizing non-Emergency Surgery Waiting Times. In IEEE Conference on Visualization - IEEE VIS 2015, 2015. Extended abstract and poster.
Lindsay MacDonald, John Brosz, Miguel A. Nacenta and Sheelagh Carpendale. Designing the Unexpected: Endlessly Fascinating Interaction for Interactive Installations. In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction, pages 41-48, 2015.
Paul Lapides, Apoorve Chokshi, Sheelagh Carpendale and Saul Greenberg. News Feed: What’s in it for Me?. In CHI '15: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2015.
Charles Perin, Mathieu Le Goc, Romain Di Vozzo, Jean-Daniel Fekete and Pierre Dragicevic. DIY Bertin Matrix. In Proceedings of the CHI Workshop on Exploring the Challenges of Making Data Physical. (Seoul, South Korea),, Apr, 2015.
Aura Pon, Johnty Wang, Laurie Radford, Sheelagh Carpendale. Womba: A Musical Instrument for an Unborn Child. In Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. (Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA), Louisiana State University, pages 87-90, 2015.
Mona Hosseinkhani Loorak. Visualizing Complex Data: Exploring New Ways for Visualizing Structural and Multidimensional Data. In IEEE VIS Doctoral Colloquium, 2015.
Fateme Rajabiyazdi, Jagoda Walny, Carrie Mah, John Brosz, Sheelagh Carpendale. Understanding Researchers’ Use of a Large, High-Resolution Display Across Disciplines. In ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces. ACM, pages 107-116, 2015.
Adam Bradley, Cayley MacArthur, Mark Hancock, and Sheelagh Carpendale. Gendered or Neutral?: Considering the Language of HCI. In Proceedings of the 41st Graphics Interface Conference. (Toronto, Ontario, Canada), Canadian Information Processing Society, pages 163-170, 2015.
Lee, Bongshin, Smith, Greg, Riche, Nathalie Henry, Karlson, Amy and Carpendale, Sheelagh. SketchInsight: Natural data exploration on interactive whiteboards leveraging pen and touch interaction. In 2015 IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis), pages 199-206, . IEEE, 2015.
Charles Perin, Sheelagh Carpendale. Who Rules Infovis? unwrapping the Conference Organization. In IEEE Conference on Visualization - IEEE VIS 2015, 2015. Extended abstract and poster.
Benjamin Bach, Pierre Dragicevic, Daniel Archambault, Christophe Hurter, Sheelagh Carpendale and others. A Review of Temporal Data Visualizations Based on Space-Time Cube Operations. In Eurographics Conference on Visualization, pages 1-19, 2014.
Jonathan Haber, Miguel A Nacenta and Sheelagh Carpendale. Paper vs. Tablets: The Effect of Document Media in Co-located Collaborative Work. In Advanced Visual Interfaces, 2014.
Huron, Samuel, Carpendale, Sheelagh, Thudt, Alice, Tang, Anthony and Mauerer, Michael. Constructive Visualization. In In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems. (honorable mention award). (New York, NY, USA), ACM, pages 433-442, 2014.
Christophe Hurter, Russ Taylor, Sheelagh Carpendale and Alexandru Telea. Color Tunneling: Interactive Exploration and Selection in Volumetric Datasets. In Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis), 2014 IEEE, pages 225-232, . IEEE, 2014.
Katayoon Etemad, Sheelagh Carpendale and Faramarz Samavati. Spirograph Inspired Visualization of Ecological Network. In Proceedings of Computational Aesthetics in Graphics, Visualization, and Imaging, (CAe'14), pages 81-89, 2014.
Katayoon Etemad, Sheelagh Carpendale and Faramarz Samavati. Node-Ring Graph Visualization Clears Edge Congestion. In I the Proceedings of the IEEE VIS Arts Program (VISAP), 2014.
Sowmya Somanath, Sheelagh Carpendale, Ehud Sharlin and Mario Costa Sousa. Information visualization techniques for exploring oil well trajectories in reservoir models. In Proceedings of the 2014 Graphics Interface Conference, pages 145-150, . Canadian Information Processing Society, 2014.
Cody Coljee-Gray, Marian Dörk and Sheelagh Carpendale. Visually Exploring Books along their Subject Headings. In iConference 2014 Proceedings, pages 729 - 734, 2014.
Lawrence Fyfe, Adam Tindale and Sheelagh Carpendale. Extending the Nexus Data Exchange Format (NDEF) Specification. In Proceedings of the Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, pages 343-346, 2014.
Jagoda Walny and Sheelagh Carpendale. Towards supporting interactive sketch-based visualizations. In TRACEY Drawing and Visualization Research Journal, Special Edition: Drawing in STEAM, December, 2014.
Jagoda Walny. Supporting Everyday Thinking Practices in Information Visualization Interfaces. In Proceedings of the Ninth ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces. (New York, NY, USA), ACM, pages 479-484, 2014.
Alice Thudt, Dominikus Baur and Sheelagh Carpendale. Autobiographical Visualizations: Challenges in Personal Storytelling. In In Proceedings of the DIS'14 Workshop on A Personal Perspective on Visualization and Visual Analytic, 2014.
Brehmer, Matthew, Carpendale, Sheelagh, Lee, Bongshin and Tory, Melanie. Pre-design Empiricism for Information Visualization: Scenarios, Methods, and Challenges. In Proceedings of BELIV 2014: the Fifth Workshop on Beyond Time and Errors: Novel Evaluation Methods for Visualization. (New York, NY, USA), ACM, pages 147-151, 2014.
Junko Ichino, Aura Pon, Ehud Sharlin, David Eagle, Sheelagh Carpendale. Vuzik: The Effect of Large Gesture Interaction on Children’s Creative Musical Expression. In Proceedings of the 26th Australian Computer-Human Interaction Conference on Designing Futures: The Future of Design. (New York, NY, USA), ACM, pages 240-249, 2014.
Jagoda Walny and Sheelagh Carpendale. Data Sketches: An Exploratory Study. In Posters Compendium InfoVis, 2014.
Lindsay MacDonald. For every action: interactive installations in liminal spaces. In Proceedings of the 2014 companion publication on Designing interactive systems, pages 181-184, 2014.
Riche, Nathalie Henry, Riche, Yann, Roussel, Nicolas, Carpendale, Sheelagh, Madhyastha, Tara and Grabowski, Thomas J. Linkwave: A visual adjacency list for dynamic weighted networks. In Proceedings of the 26th Conference on l'Interaction Homme-Machine, pages 113-122, 2014.
Bon Adriel Aseniero, Anthony Tang and Sheelagh Carpendale. River: Using Personalisation to Support Reflection on Personal Activities. In Proceedings of the DIS'14 Workshop on A Personal Perspective on Visualization and Visual Analytic, page 4, 2014.
Jagoda Walny and Sheelagh Carpendale. Blended Interaction for Information Visualization. In Blended Interaction: Envisioning Future Collaborative Interactive Spaces, an ACM CHI 2013 Workshop, April, 2013.
Travis Kirton, Sebastian Boring, Dominikus Baur, Lindsay MacDonald and Sheelagh Carpendale. C4: a creative-coding API for media, interaction and animation. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction. (New York, NY, USA), ACM, pages 279-286, 2013.
Lindsay MacDonald, David Ledo, Miguel Nacenta, John Brosz and Sheelagh Carpendale. Authorship in Art/Science Collaboration is Tricky. In Proceedings of the CHI'13 Workshop on Crafting Interactive Systems: Learning from digital arts practice, April, 2013.
Marian Dörk, Patrick Feng, Christopher Collins and Sheelagh Carpendale. Critical InfoVis: Exploring the Politics of Visualization. In alt.chi 2013: Extended Abstracts of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM, pages 2189-2198, 2013.
Haley MacLeod, Anthony Tang and Sheelagh Carpendale. Personal Informatics in Chronic Illness Management. In GI '13: Proceedings of the 2013 Graphics Interface Conference, pages 149-156, 2013.
Sheelagh Carpendale. Innovations in visualization. In GI '13: Proceedings of the 2013 Graphics Interface Conference, pages 1-8, 2013. Invited CHCCS Award paper: CHCCS/SCDHM Achievement Award is presented periodically to a Canadian researcher who has made a substantial contribution to the fields of computer human interaction..
Riane Vardeleon and Sheelagh Carpendale. DreamVis: Visualizing Logged Dream Data. In Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization, 2013.
John Brosz, Miguel A. Nacenta, Richard Pusch, Sheelagh Carpendale and Christophe Hurter. Transmogrification: casual manipulation of visualizations. In Proceedings of the 26th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology. (New York, NY, USA), ACM, pages 97-106, 2013.
Miguel Nacenta, Mikkel Jakobsen, Remy Dautriche, Uta Hinrichs, Marian Dörk, Jonathan Haber and Sheelagh Carpendale. The LunchTable: A Multi-User, Multi-Display System for Information Sharing in Casual Group Interactions. In ISPD 2012: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Pervasive Displays, June, 2012.
Lawrence Fyfe, Adam Tindale and Sheelagh Carpendale. Node and Message Management with the JunctionBox Interaction Toolkit. In Proceedings of the Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, pages 520-521, 2012.
Marian Dörk, Sheelagh Carpendale and Carey Williamson. Fluid Views: A Zoomable Search Environment. In AVI 2012: Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, 8 pages, May, 2012.
Sean Lynch, Jonathan Haber, and Sheelagh Carpendale. ColourVis: exploring colour usage in digital images.. In Journal of Computer and Graphics, 36(6):696–707. doi:10.1016/j.cag.2012.02.009, 2012.
Alice Thudt, Uta Hinrichs and Sheelagh Carpendale. The Bohemian Bookshelf: Supporting Serendipitous Book Discoveries through Information Visualization. In CHI '12: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2012.
Lawrence Fyfe, Adam Tindale and Sheelagh Carpendale. JunctionBox for Android: An Interaction Toolkit for Android-based Mobile Devices. In Proceedings of the Linux Audio Conference, pages 89-92, 2012.
Miguel Nacenta, Uta Hinrichs and Sheelagh Carpendale. FatFonts: Combining the Symbolic and Visual Aspects of Numbers. In AVI 2012: Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, 8 pages, May, 2012.
Nathalie Henry Riche, Tim Dwyer, Bongshin Lee and Sheelagh Carpendale. Exploring the design space of interactive link curvature in network diagrams. In Proceedings of the International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces. (New York, NY, USA), ACM, pages 506-513, 2012.
Florian Perteneder, Christian Grossauer, Thomas Seifried, Jagoda Walny, John Brosz, Tony Tang and Sheelagh Carpendale. Idea Playground: When Brainstorming is Not Enough. In Designing Collaborative Interactive Spaces for e- Creativity, e-Science and e-Learning Workshop, ACM Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI’12)., May, 2012.
Christian Grossauer, Florian Perteneder, Michael Haller, Jagoda Walny, John Brosz, Anthony Tang and Sheelagh Carpendale. MathSketch: Designing a dynamic whiteboard for instruction contexts. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Workshop on Educational Interfaces, Software, and Technology, May, 2012.
Aura Pon, Junko Ichino, David Eagle, Ehud Sharlin, Nicolas D'Alessandro, Sheelagh Carpendale. Vuzik: A painting graphic score interface for composing and control of sound generation. In Proceedings of the 2012 International Computer Music Conference. (Ljubljana, Slovenia), Ann Arbor, MI: Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library, pages 579-583, 2012.
Dominikus Baur, Andreas Butz and Sheelagh Carpendale. arcs.fm - A Backdrop Visualization for Music Talk. In Proceedings EuroVis, pages 109-113, . The Eurographics Association, 2012.
Dominikus Baur, Bongshin Lee and Sheelagh Carpendale. TouchWave: kinetic multi-touch manipulation for hierarchical stacked graphs. In Proceedings of the 2012 ACM international conference on Interactive tabletops and surfaces. (New York, NY, USA), ACM, pages 255-264, 2012.
Marian Dörk, Sheelagh Carpendale and Carey Williamson. The Information Flaneur: A Fresh Look at Information Seeking. In CHI '11: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM, pages 1215-1224, 2011.
Uta Hinrichs, Nina Valkanova, Kai Kuikkaniemi, Giulio Jacucci, Sheelagh Carpendale and Ernesto Arroyo. Large Displays in Urban Life: from Exhibition Halls to Media Facades. In CHI EA'11: Proceedings of the 2011 annual conference extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems, pages 2433-2436, 2011. A CHI 2011 workshop..
Lawrence Fyfe, Adam Tindale and Sheelagh Carpendale. JunctionBox: A Toolkit for Creating Multi-touch Sound Control Interfaces. In Proceedings of the Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, pages 276-279, 2011.
Uta Hinrichs and Sheelagh Carpendale. Gestures in the Wild: Studying Multi-Touch GestureSequences on Interactive Tabletop Exhibits. In CHI '11: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM, pages 3023-3032, 2011.
Jonathan Haber, Miguel Nacenta, Uta Hinrichs, Marian Dörk, Remy Dautriche and Sheelagh Carpendale. Let’s All Go to the Lunch Table: Performance in Interactive Semi-Public Spaces. In Proceedings of the CHI'11 Workshop on Performative Interaction in Public Space, 2011.
Marian Dörk, Sheelagh Carpendale and Carey Williamson. Exploring Growing Information Spaces. In HCIR 2011: Workshop on Human-Computer Interaction and Information Retrieval, 4 pages, 2011.
S. Lynch, M. Nacenta and S. Carpendale. ToCoPlay: Graphical Multi-touch Interaction for Composing and Playing Music. In Proceedings of the 13th IFIP TCI3 Conference on Human Computer Interaction - INTERACT 2011, pages 306-322, 2011.
Kimberly Mikulecky, Mark Hancock, John Brosz and Sheelagh Carpendale. Exploring physical information cloth on a multitouch table. In ITS '11: Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces. ACM, pages 140-149, 2011.
Browne, Jeffrey, Lee, Bongshin, Riche, Nathalie Henry, Carpendale, Sheelagh and Sherwood, Timothy. iSketchVis: Data Exploration through Sketch-based Charting. In In Proceedings of EuroVis 2011, Poster Compendium, June 2011, 2011.
Haber, J., Lynch, S. and Carpendale, S. ColourVis: exploring colour usage in paintings over time. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Computational Aesthetics in Graphics, Visualization, and Imaging, pages 105-112, . ACM, 2011.
Jagoda Walny, Jonathan Haber, Marian Dörk, Jonathan Sillito and Sheelagh Carpendale. Follow that Sketch: Lifecycles of Diagrams and Sketches in Software Development. In VISSOFT 2011: Proceedings of International Workshop on Visualizing Software for Understanding and Analysis. IEEE, 2011.
Marian Dörk, Sheelagh Carpendale and Carey Williamson. EdgeMaps: Visualizing Explicit and Implicit Relations. In Proceedings of VDA 2011: Conference on Visualization and Data Analysis. IS&T/SPIE, 12 pages (78680G), 2011. Best paper award.
Marquardt, N., Gross, T., Carpendale, S. and Greenberg, S. Revealing the invisible: visualizing the location and event flow of distributed physical devices. In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction - TEI'10, pages 41-48, . ACM, 2010.
Mark Hancock, Thomas ten Cate, Sheelagh Carpendale and Tobias Isenberg. Supporting Sandtray Therapy on an Interactive Tabletop. In Proc. CHI. (New York, NY, USA), ACM, pages 2133-2142, 2010.
Voida, A., Carpendale, S. and Greenberg, S. The Individual and the Group in Console Gaming. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work - ACM CSCW'2010. ACM Press, 10 pages, February, 2010.
A. Tang, M. Pahud, S. Carpendale and B. Buxton, B. VisTACO: Visualizing Tabletop Collaboration. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces - ACM ITS'2010. ACM, pages 29-38, 2010.
L. Vlaming, C. Collins, M. Hancock, M. Nacenta, T. Isenberg and S. Carpendale. Integrating 2D mouse emulation with 3D manipulation for visualizations on a multi-touch table. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces - ACM ITS'2010. ACM, pages 221-230, 2010.
Uta Hinrichs. Large Display Information Visualization in Public Spaces. In Extended Abstract for Doctoral Colloquium at the ACM SIGCHI conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS), August, 2010.
Lawrence Fyfe, Sean Lynch, Carmen Hull and Sheelagh Carpendale. SurfaceMusic: Mapping Virtual Touch-based Instruments to Physical Models. In Proceedings of the Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, pages 360-363, 2010.
Ricardo Langner, John Brosz, Raimund Dachselt and Sheelagh Carpendale. PhysicsBox: Playful Educational Tabletop Games. In Extended Abstracts of Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces - ITS'10, 2010.
Yann Riche, Nathalie Henry Riche, Petra Isenberg and Anastasia Bezerianos. Hard-To-Use Interfaces Considered Beneficial (Some of the Time). In Proceedings of alt.chi, Extended Abstracts of the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI). (New York, NY, USA), ACM Press, 2010.
Sebastian Schmidt, Miguel Nacenta, Raimund Dachselt and Sheelagh Carpendale. A Set of Multi-touch Graph Interaction Techniques. In Proceedings of Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces - ITS'10. ACM Press, 2010.
Katayoon Etemad and Sheelagh Carpendale. Symmetry and Node Focused Visualization of Large Trees. In GRAND NCE Annual conference, 2010.
Marian Dörk, Sheelagh Carpendale and Carey Williamson. Visual Web Exploration: Beyond Ranked Snippets and Thumbnails. In Putting Visualization on the Web Workshop, VisWeek, 2009.
Petra Isenberg, Uta Hinrichs, Mark Hancock, Matthew Tobiasz and Sheelagh Carpendale. Information Visualization on Interactive Tabletops in Work vs. Public Settings. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Collaborative Visualization on Interactive Surfaces (CoVIS 2009, October 11, 2009, Atlantic City, USA), 2009. To appear in the »Technical Reports« series of the Department of Media Informatics of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich, Germany.
Stephen Voida, Matthew Tobiasz, Julie Stromer, Petra Isenberg and Sheelagh Carpendale. Getting Practical with Interactive Tabletop Displays: Designing for Dense Data, “Fat Fingers,” Diverse Interactions, and Face-to-Face Collaboration. In Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces (ITS). (New York, NY, USA), ACM Press, 2009.
Charlotte Tang and Sheelagh Carpendale. A mobile voice communication system in medical setting: love it or hate it?. In CHI '09: Proceedings of the 27th international conference on Human factors in computing systems. ACM, pages 2041-2050, 2009.
Katayoon Etemad and Sheelagh Carpendale. ShamsehTrees: Providing Hierarchical Context for Nodes ofInterest. In Proceedings of Bridges 2009: Mathematics, Music, Art, Architecture, Culture. (Craig S. Kaplan and Reza Sarhangi, Ed.) Tarquin Books, pages 293-300, 2009.
Marian Dörk, Carey Williamson and Sheelagh Carpendale. Towards Visual Web Search: Interactive Query Formulation and Search Result Visualization. In WSSP 2009: WWW Workshop on Web Search Result Summarization and Presentation, 2009.
Mark Hancock, Miguel Nacenta, Carl Gutwin and Sheelagh Carpendale. The Effects of Changing Projection Geometry on the Interpretation of 3D Orientation on Tabletops. In Proc. ITS, pages 175-182, 2009.
John Brosz, Sheelagh Carpendale, Faramarz Samavati, Hao Wang and Alan Dunning. Art and Nonlinear Projection. In Bridges 2009: Mathematical Connections in Art, Music andScience, 2009.
Charlotte Tang, Rebecca Randell, Stephanie Wilson and Sheelagh Carpendale. A Tale of Two Studies: Evaluating New Technologies in Healthcare. In Workshop on Evaluating New Interactions in Healthcare, CHI 2009, 2009.
Marquardt, N., Nacenta, M., Young, J., Carpendale, S., Greenberg, S. and Sharlin, E. The Haptic Tabletop Puck: The Video. In DVD Proceedings of Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces - ITS'09. (Banff, Canada), ACM Press, November 23-25, 2009. See companion paper.
Mark Hancock, Otmar Hilliges, Christopher Collins, Dominikus Baur and Sheelagh Carpendale. Exploring Tangible and Direct Touch Interfaces for Manipulating 2D and 3D Information on a Digital Table. In Proc. ITS, pages 85-92, 2009.
Tang, Charlotte and Carpendale, Sheelagh. A mobile voice communication system in medical setting: love it or hate it?. In CHI '09: Proceedings of the 27th international conference on Human factors in computing systems. ACM, pages 2041-2050, 2009.
Marquardt, N., Nacenta, M., Young, J., Carpendale, S., Greenberg, S. and Sharlin, E. The Haptic Tabletop Puck: Tactile Feedback for Interactive Tabletops. In Proceedings of Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces - ITS'09. ACM Press, pages 93-100, November 23-25, 2009.
Charlotte Tang and Sheelagh Carpendale. Supporting Nurses’ Information Flow by Integrating Paper and Digital Charting. In Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (ECSCW), pages 43-62, 2009.
Mark Hancock, Thomas ten Cate and Sheelagh Carpendale. Sticky Tools: Full 6DOF Force-Based Interaction for Multi-Touch Tables. In Proc. ITS, pages 145-152, 2009.
Tobias Isenberg, Uta Hinrichs and Sheelagh Carpendale. Studying Direct-Touch Interaction for 2D Flow Visualization. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Collaborative Visualization on Interactive Surfaces (CoVIS 2009, October 11, 2009, Atlantic City, USA), 2009. To appear in the »Technical Reports« series of the Department of Media Informatics of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich, Germany.
Jens Grubert, Sheelagh Carpendale and Tobias Isenberg. Interactive Stroke-Based NPR using Hand Postures on Large Displays. In Short Papers at Eurographics 2008. (Aire-la-Ville, Switzerland), Eurographics Association, 2008.
Katayoon Etemad, Samavati, F.F. and Prusinkiewicz, P. Animating Persian Floral Patterns. In Proceedings of Computational Aesthetics in Graphics, Visualization, and Imaging, (CAe'08), pages 25-32, 2008.
Torre Zuk, Jon Downton, David Gray and Sheelagh Carpendale and J.D. Liang. Exploration of uncertainty in bidirectional vector fields. In Proc. SPIE & IS&T Conf. Electronic Imaging, Vol. 6809: Visualization and Data Analysis 2008, 6809. (Katy Börner and Matti T. Gröhn and Jinah Park and Jonathan C. Roberts, Ed.) SPIE, 68090B, 2008.
Tobias Isenberg, Jens Grubert, Maarten Everts and Sheelagh Carpendale. Hands-On Analysis and Illustration: Interactive Exploratory Visualization of Vector Fields. In ASCI 2008: Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual Conference of the Advanced School for Computing and Imaging, pages 222-229, June 11--13, 2008.
Petra Isenberg and Sheelagh Carpendale. Social Data Analysis in Co-located Environments. In CHI Workshop on Social Data Analysis, 2008.
Charlotte Tang and Sheelagh Carpendale. Support for Informal Information Use and its Formalization in Medical Work. In CBMS '08: Proceedings of the Computer Based Medical Systems, Jun 17-19, 2008.
Petra Isenberg, Anthony Tang and Sheelagh Carpendale. An Exploratory Study of Visual Information Analysis. In Proceedings of the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI). ACM Press, pages 1217-1226, 2008.
Petra Isenberg, Torre Zuk, Christopher Collins and Sheelagh Carpendale. Grounded Evaluation of Information Visualizations. In BELIV 2008: Proceedings of the CHI Workshop Beyond Time and Errors: Novel Evaluation Methods for Information Visualization. ACM Press, pages 56-63, 2008.
Charlotte Tang and Sheelagh Carpendale. Evaluating the deployment of a mobile technology in a hospital ward. In CSCW '08: Proceedings of the ACM 2008 conference on Computer supported cooperative work. ACM, pages 205-214, 2008.
Holly Schmidt, Uta Hinrichs, Alan Dunning and Sheelagh Carpendale. memory [en]code: Building a Collective Memory within a Tabletop Installation. In Proceedings of Computational Aesthetics in Graphics, Visualization, and Imaging 2007 (CAe 2007, June 20--22, 2007, Banff, Alberta, Canada). (Aire-la-Ville, Switzerland), (Douglas W. Cunningham and Gary Meyer and László Neumann and Alan Dunning and Raquel Paricio, Ed.) Eurographics Association, pages 135-142, 2007.
Charlotte Tang and Sheelagh Carpendale. An Observational Study on Information Flow during Nurses’ Shift Work. In CHI '07: Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, April 28 - May 3. ACM Press, pages 219-228, 2007.
Mark Hancock, Sheelagh Carpendale and Andy Cockburn. Shallow-Depth 3D Interaction: Design and Evaluation of One-, Two- and Three-Touch Techniques. In CHI '07: Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems. (New York, NY, USA), ACM Press, pages 1147-1156, 2007.
Petra Neumann, Annie Tat, Torre Zuk and Sheelagh Carpendale. KeyStrokes: Personalizing Typed Text with Visualization. In Proceedings of Eurographics\,/\,IEEE VGTC Symposium on Visualization (EuroVis~2007, May 23--25, 2007, Norrköping, Sweden). (Aire-la-Ville), Eurographics, pages 43-50, 2007. The definitive version is available at \url{http://diglib.eg.org}.
Jeroen Keijser, Sheelagh Carpendale, Mark Hancock and Tobias Isenberg. Exploring 3D Interaction in Alternate Control-Display Space Mappings. In Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces (3DUI 2007, March 10–11, 2007, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA). (Los Alamitos, CA), (Wolfgang Stürzlinger and Yoshifumi Kitamura and Sabine Coquillart, Ed.) IEEE Computer Society, pages 17-24, 2007.
Christopher Collins, Sheelagh Carpendale and Gerald Penn. Visualizing Uncertainty in Lattices to Support Decision-Making. In Proceedings of Eurographics/IEEE VGTC Symposium on Visualization (EuroVis 2007). Eurographics Association, 2007. The definitive version is available at \url{http://diglib.eg.org}.
Torre Zuk and Sheelagh Carpendale. Visualization of Uncertainty and Reasoning. In Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Smart Graphics (June 25-27, 2007, Kyoto, Japan), 4569. (Berlin, Heidelberg), (Andreas Butz and Brian Fisher and Antonio Krüger and Patrick Olivier and Shigeru Owada, Ed.) Springer-Verlag, pages 164-177, 2007.
Arlene Stamp, Tobias Isenberg and Sheelagh Carpendale. A Case Study from the Point of View of Aesthetics: A Dialogue Between an Artist and a Computer Scientist. In Proceedings of Computational Aesthetics in Graphics, Visualization, and Imaging 2007 (CAe 2007, June 20--22, 2007, Banff, Alberta, Canada). (Aire-la-Ville, Switzerland), (Douglas W. Cunningham and Gary Meyer and László Neumann and Alan Dunning and Raquel Paricio, Ed.) Eurographics Association, pages 129-134, 2007.
Petra Neumann, Tobias Isenberg and Sheelagh Carpendale. NPR Lenses: Interactive Tools for Non-Photorealistic Line Drawings. In Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Smart Graphics (June 25--27, 2007, Kyoto, Japan), 4569. (Berlin, Heidelberg), (Andreas Butz and Brian Fisher and Antonio Krüger and Patrick Olivier and Shigeru Owada, Ed.) Springer-Verlag, pages 10-22, 2007.
Charlotte Tang and Sheelagh Carpendale. Impacts of Technology Deployment on Information Assembly and Disassembly during Shift Change. In Workshop on Handover: Collaboration for Continuity of Work, European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (ECSCW), 2007.
Petra Isenberg. Information Visualization in Co-located Collaborative Environments. In Proceedings of the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing, PhD Forum, 2007.
Nelson Wong and Sheelagh Carpendale. Supporting Interactive Graph Exploration Using Edge Plucking. In Proceedings of IS&T/SPIE 19th Annual Symposium on Electronic Imaging: Visualization and Data Analysis. (Bellingham, WA and Kilworth Lane, VA, USA), SPIE and IS&T, 2007.
Matthew Tobiasz, Amanda Henderson, Sheelagh Carpendale, Alan Dunning and Paul Woodrow. Developing Colour Sequences for High Dynamic Range Data. In Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization (InfoVis 2007), Poster Compendium. (Los Alamitos, CA, USA), IEEE Press, pages 120-121, 2007.
Martin Schwarz, Tobias Isenberg, Katherine Mason and Sheelagh Carpendale. Modeling with Rendering Primitives: An Interactive Non-Photorealistic Canvas. In NPAR 2007: Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering. (San Diego, California), (Maneesh Agrawala and Oliver Deussen, Ed.) ACM Press, pages 15-22, August 4--5, 2007.
Mark Hancock and Sheelagh Carpendale. Supporting Multiple Off-Axis Viewpoints at a Tabletop Display. In Proc. Tabletop, pages 171-178, 2007.
Uta Hinrichs, Mark Hancock, Christopher Collins and Sheelagh Carpendale. Examination of text-entry methods for tabletop displays. In Proc. Tabletop, pages 105-112, 2007.
Petra Neumann, Annie Tat, Torre Zuk and Sheelagh Carpendale. Interactive Poster: Personalizing Typed Text Through Visualization. In Poster Presentations of the IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization (InfoVis 2006, October 29–November 3, 2006, Baltimore, Maryland, USA). IEEE Press, 2006.
Petra Neumann, Tobias Isenberg and Sheelagh Carpendale. NPR Lenses: Local Effect Control for Non-Photorealistic Line Drawings. In Poster Presentations of the Fourth International Symposium on Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering (NPAR 2006, June 5--7, 2006, Annecy, France). (Doug DeCarlo and Lee Markosian, Ed.), 2006.
Lothar Schlesier, Josie Hughes, Andrew Fall and M. Sheelagh T. Carpendale. The LuMPB Key: A Multiple View Interface to Explore High Dimensional Mountain Pine Beetle Simulation Data. In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Coordinated and Multiple Views in Exploratory Visualization (CMV 2006, July 4th, 2006, London, Great Britain). IEEE Computer Society, pages 31-41, 2006.
Tobias Isenberg, Petra Neumann, Sheelagh Carpendale, Mario Costa Sousa and Joaquim A. Jorge. Non-Photorealistic Rendering in Context: An Observational Study. In Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering (NPAR 2006, June 5–7, 2006, Annecy, France). ACM Press, pages 115-126, 2006.
Sheelagh Carpendale, Tobias Isenberg, Stacey D. Scott, Uta Hinrichs, André Miede, Russel Kruger, Stefan Habelski and Kori Inkpen. Collaborative Interaction on Large Tabletop Displays. In Conference Supplement of the 2006 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Work (CSCW 2006, November 4–8, 2006, Banff, Alberta, Canada). ACM Press, pages 57-58, 2006.
Annie Tat, Russell Kruger, Sheelagh Carpendale and Alan Dunning. Plant Post: Visualizing Temporal Aspects of Message Postings. In Poster Presentations of the IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization (InfoVis 2006, October 29–November 3, 2006, Baltimore, Maryland, USA). IEEE Press, 2006.
Eric Penner, Ryan Schmidt and Sheelagh Carpendale. A GPU Cluster Without the Clutter: A Drop-in Scalable Programmable-Pipeline with Several GPUs and Only One PC. In Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games (I3D 2006). ACM, 2006.
Torre Zuk, Lothar Schlesier, Petra Neumann, Mark S. Hancock and M. Sheelagh T. Carpendale. Heuristics for Information Visualization Evaluation. In BELIV 2006: Proceedings of the Workshop Beyond Time and Errors: Novel Evaluation Methods for Information Visualization, held in conjunction with the Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI 2006). (Venice, Italy), ACM Press, May 23--26, 2006.
Annie Tat and Sheelagh Carpendale. Visualizing Digital Text Conversations. In CHI Workshop Conference. ACM Press, 2006.
Tobias Isenberg, Petra Neumann, Sheelagh Carpendale, Simon Nix and Saul Greenberg. Interactive Annotations on Large, High-Resolution Information Displays. In 2006 Conference Compendium of IEEE VIS, IEEE InfoVis, and IEEE VAST (October 29--November 3, 2006, Baltimore, Maryland, USA). (Los Alamitos), IEEE Computer Society, pages 124-125, 2006. Extended abstract and poster.
Torre Zuk and M. Sheelagh T. Carpendale. Theoretical Analysis of Uncertainty Visualizations. In Proc. SPIE & IS&T Conf. Electronic Imaging, Vol. 6060: Visualization and Data Analysis 2006. (Robert F. Erbacher and Jonathan C. Roberts and Matti T. Gröhn and Katy Börner, Ed.) SPIE, page 606007, 2006.
Christopher Collins. DocuBurst: Document Content Visualization using Language Structure. In Proceedings. of IEEE Symp. on Information Visualization (InfoVis 2006), Poster Session, Proceedings Compendium. (Baltimore, USA), IEEE Press, pages 112-113, 2006.
Charlotte Tang and Sheelagh Carpendale. Healthcare Quality and Information Flow during Shift Change. In Workshop on Pervasive Healthcare, Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (Ubicomp), 2006.
Hinrichs, Uta, Carpendale, Sheelagh and Scott, Stacey D. Evaluating the Effects of Fluid Interface Components on Tabletop Collaboration. In AVI '06: Advanced Visual Interfaces, pages 27-34, 2006.
Mark S. Hancock, John David Miller, Saul Greenberg and Sheelagh Carpendale. Exploring Visual Feedback of Change Conflict in a Distributed 3D Environment. In Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI 2006). ACM Press, pages 209-216, 2006.
Charlotte Tang. Designing Technology to Support Information Flow for Asynchronous Co-located Medical Shift Work. In CSCW '06: In Adjunct Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work. (Banff, Alberta, Canada), ACM Press, pages 45-46, Nov. 4-8, 2006.
Petra Neumann, M. Sheelagh T. Carpendale and Anand Agarawala. PhylloTrees: Phyllotactic Patterns for Tree Layout. In Proceedings of Eurographics / IEEE VGTC Symposium on Visualization (EuroVis 2006, 8 – 10 May 2006, Lisbon, Portugal). Eurographics, pages 59-66, 2006.
Tobias Isenberg, André Miede and Sheelagh Carpendale. A Buffer Framework for Supporting Responsive Interaction in Information Visualization Interfaces. In C5 2006: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Creating, Connecting and Collaborating through Computing. IEEE Computer Society, pages 262-269, January 26-27, 2006.
Mark S. Hancock, Frederic D. Vernier, Daniel Wigdor, Sheelagh Carpendale and Chia Shen. Rotation and Translation Mechanisms for Tabletop Interaction. In TableTop2006: Proceedings of IEEE International Workshop on Horizontal Interactive Human-Computer Systems. IEEE Computer Society, pages 79-86, 2006.
Annie Tat and Sheelagh Carpendale. CrystalChat: Visualizing Personal Chat History. In Proceedings of the 39th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 2006 (HICSS). IEEE Computer Society, pages 58-0, 2006.
Anthony Tang, Melanie Tory, Barry Po, Petra Neumann and Sheelagh Carpendale. Collaborative Coupling over Tabletop Displays. In Proceedings of the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2006). ACM Press, pages 1181-1290, 2006.
Tobias Isenberg, M. Sheelagh T. Carpendale and Mario Costa Sousa. Breaking the Pixel Barrier. In Proceedings of the First Eurographics Workshop on Computational Aesthetics in Graphics, Visualization and Imaging 2005 (May 18-20, 2005, Girona, Spain). Eurographics Association, pages 41-48, 2005.
Petra Neumann, Stefan Schlechtweg and Sheelagh Carpendale. Interactive Poster: ArcTrees –- Relations in Hierarchies. In IEEE Infovis Poster Compendium. IEEE Press, 2005.
Nelson Wong and Sheelagh Carpendale. Interactive Poster: Using Edge Plucking for Interactive Graph Exploration. In IEEE Infovis Poster Compendium. IEEE Press, pages 51-52, 2005.
Kaye Mason, Jörg Denzinger and Sheelagh Carpendale. Negotiating Gestalt: Artistic Expression by Coalition Formation Between Agents. In Proceedingsof the 5th International Symposium on Smart Graphics (SG 2005, August 22-24, 2005, Frauenwörth Cloister, Germany). Springer-Verlag, pages 103-114, 2005.
Uta Hinrichs, Sheelagh Carpendale and Stacey D. Scott. Interface Currents: Supporting Fluent Face-to-Face Collaboration. In Sketch Presentation at the 32th International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interaction Techniques (SIGGRAPH). ACM Press, 2005.
Uta Hinrichs, Sheelagh Carpendale, Stacey D. Scott and Eric Pattison. Interface Currents: Supporting Fluent Collaboration on Tabletop Displays. In Proceedings of the 5th Symposium on Smart Graphics. Springer Verlag, pages 185-197, 2005.
Elena Fanea, Sheelagh Carpendale and Tobias Isenberg. An Interactive 3D Integration of Parallel Coordinates and Star Glyphs. In Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization (InfoVis 2005, October 23--25, 2005, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA). (Los Alamitos, CA), (John Stasko and Matt Ward, Ed.) IEEE Computer Society, pages 149-156, 2005.
Petra Neumann, Stefan Schlechtweg and M.Sheelagh T. Carpendale. ArcTrees: Visualizing Relations in Hierarchical Data. In Proceedings of Eurographics, IEEE VGTC Symposium on Visualization (EuroVis2005). Eurographics, pages 53-60, 2005.
Torre Zuk and Sheelagh Carpendale. Interactive Simulation and Visualization using the GPU. In Proc. SPIE & IS&T Conf. Electronic Imaging, Vol. 5669: Visualization and Data Analysis 2005. (Robert F. Erbacher and Jonathan C. Roberts and Matti T. Gröhn and Katy Börner, Ed.) SPIE, pages 262-273, 2005.
Torre Zuk, M. Sheelagh T. Carpendale and W.D. Glanzman. Visualizing Temporal Uncertainty in 3D Virtual Reconstructions. In Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage (VAST 2005). The Eurographics Association, pages 99-106, 2005.
Russell Kruger, M. Sheelagh T. Carpendale, Stacey D. Scott and Anthony Tang. Fluid Integration of Rotation and Translation. In CHI '05: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM Press, pages 601-610, 2005.
M. S. T. Carpendale. Are Concepts from Post-Normal Science Applicable to the Evaluation of Collocated Collaborative Processes?. In ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work; Workshop: Methodologies for Evaluating Collaboration Behaviour in Co-Located Environments. ACM, 2004.
R. Schmidt, E. Penner and M. S. T. Carpendale. Reconfigurable Displays. In The ACM Conference on Ubiquitous Computing, Workshop: Ubiquitous Display Environments; UBICOMP 2004. ACM Press, 2004.
M. S. T. Carpendale. Elastic Presentation Space Libraries. In IEEE Conference in Visualization; Workshop on Information Visualization Software Infrastructures. IEEE, 2004.
M.S.T. Carpendale and A. Agarawala. PhylloTrees: Harnessing Nature’s Phyllotactic Patterns for Tree Layout. In Extended Abstracts of IEEE Conference on Information Visualization (Poster). IEEE Press, 2004.
Hemry Sonnet, M.Sheelagh T. Carpendale and Thomas Strothotte. Integrating Expanding Annotations with a 3D Explosion Probe. In ACM Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces. ACM Press, pages 61-70, 2004.
Stacey D. Scott, M.Sheelagh T. Carpendale and Kori M. Inkpen. Territoriality in Collaborative Tabletop Workspaces. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW, November 6-10, 2004, Chicago, IL, USA), CHI Letters. ACM Press, pages 294-303, 2004.
M. Sheelagh T. Carpendale, J. Light and E. Pattison. Achieving Higher Magnification in Context. In UIST 2004: Proceedings of the 17th annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, CHI Letters. ACM, pages 71-80, 2004.
Katherine Mason, J. Denzinger and M. Sheelagh T. Carpendale. Negotiating Gestalt: Artistic Expression and Coalition Formation in Multi-agent Systems. In Proceedings of the Third International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems - Volume 3 (AAMAS'04). IEEE Computer Society, 2004.
Brian Wyvill, Kees van Overveld and M.Sheelagh T. Carpendale. Rendering Cracks in Batik. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Non-Photorealtistic Rendering, NPAR”04. ACM Press, pages 61-67, 2004.
Nelson Wong, Sheelagh Carpendale and Saul Greenberg. EdgeLens: An Interactive Method for Managing Edge Congestion in Graphs. In Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization (InfoVis 2003). IEEE Press, pages 51-58, 2003.
Stacey D. Scott. Territory-Based Interaction Techniques for Tabletop Collaboration. Doctoral Symposium Presentation. In Conference Supplement of the ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST). ACM Press, pages 17-20, 2003.
M.S.T. Carpendale. Viewing Transformations: Perspective, Distortion and Deformation. In SIGGRAPH’03 Course Notes; Theory and Practice of Non-Photorealistic Graphics: Algorithms, Methods, and Production Systems Presentation. ACM SIGGRAPH, 2003.
R. Kruger, M.S.T. Carpendale, S.D. Scott and S. Greenberg. How People Use Orientation on Tables: Comprehension, Coordination and Communication. In Proceedings of the 2003 international ACM SIGGROUP conference on Supporting group work. ACM Press, pages 369-378, 2003.
B. Wyvill, K. van Overveld and M. S. T. Carpendale. The Batik Trick. In Proceedings of the Western Computer Graphics Symposium, pages 59-66, 2003.
K. Mason, M. S. T. Carpendale and B. Wyvill. Projections in Context. In Proceedings of the Western Computer Graphics Symposium, pages 40-50, 2003.
M. S. T. Carpendale and C.A.H. Baker. An Abstract Approach to Genetic Visualization. In Workshop: Visualization in Bioinformatics and Cheminformatics. IEEE Computer Society, 2002.
P. Tandler, C. Magerkurth, M.S.T. Carpendale, K.L. Inkpen and S.D. Scott. Collaboration with Interactive Walls and Tables. In Workshop at the Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp). Springer, 2002.
R. Kruger and M.S.T. Carpendale. Orientation and Gesture on Horizontal Displays. In Workshop: Collaboration with Interactive Walls and Tables, UBICOMP 2002. Springer, 2002.
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S.D. Scott, K. Grant, M.S.T. Carpendale, K. Inkpen, R. Mandryk and T. Winograd. Co-located Tabletop Collaboration: Technologies and Directions. In Workshop In Extended Abstracts of the ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work. ACM, pages 21-21, 2002.
S. Diamond, M.S.T. Carpendale, V. Interrante and J. Portway S. Xin-Wei. Visualization, Semantics and Aesthetics. In Panel in IEEE Information Visualization IV’02, 2002.
C. Neustaedter, S. Greenberg and M.S.T. Carpendale. IMVis: Instant Messenger Visualization. In Video Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, pages 221-222, 2002.
A. Tat and M.S.T. Carpendale. Visualizing Human Dialog. In Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Information Visualization IV’02, pages 16-24, 2002.
C.A.H. Baker, M.S.T. Carpendale, M. Surette and P. Prusinkiewicz. GeneVis: Visualization Tools for Genetic Regulatory Network Dynamics. In Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Visualization, VIS’02. IEEE Computer Society, pages 243-250, 2002.
A. Zanella, M.S.T. Carpendale and M. Rounding. On the effects of viewing cues in comprehending distortions. In Proceedings of ACM Nordi-CHI Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. ACM Press, pages 119-128, 2002.
A. Duta, M.S.T. Carpendale and K. Barker. VICO: A Tool for Supporting Visual Comparisons of Different Pine-Beetle Management Approaches. In Proceedings of IEEE Conference on IEEE Information Visualization IV’02, pages 234-242, 2002.
R. Kruger, M.S.T. Carpendale and S. Greenberg. Collaborating over Physical and Electronic Tables. In Poster In Extended Abstracts of Conference on Computer Supported Co-operative Work. ACM, pages 137-138, 2002.
A. Duta and M.S.T. Carpendale. VICO: A Tool for Supporting Visual Comparisons of Different Pine-Beetle Management Approaches. In The Proceedings of the Western Computer Graphics Symposium, 2002.
S. Diamond, M.S.T. Carpendale, V. Interrante and J. Portway S. Xin-We. Panel: Visualization, Semantics and Aesthetics. In Panel Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference on Computer Graphics. ACM Press, 2001.
K. Mason and M.S.T. Carpendale. Expanding the Expressive Palette. In Proceedings of the Western Computer Graphics Symposium, 2001.
M. S. T. Carpendale and R. Xing. Examining Edge Congestion. In Poster Proceedings of the SIG-CHI on Human factors in computing systems. ACM Press, pages 115-116, 2001.
O. Kuederle, K.M. Inkpen, S. Atkins and M.S.T. Carpendale. Interacting with Image Sequences: Detail-in-Context and Thumbnails. In Proceedings of Graphics Interface, pages 111-118, 2001.
M.S.T. Carpendale and C. Montagnese. A Framework for Unifying Presentation Space. In Proceedings of the 14th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology. ACM Press, pages 61-70, 2001.
K. Mason and M. S. T. Carpendale. Artist-Driven Expressive Graphics. In Proceedings of Eurographics: Short Presentations, pages 87-96, 2001.
M. Rounding, S. Greenberg and M.S.T. Carpendale. Awareness Projected: Moving Awareness to a Public Space. In Proceedings of the Western Computer Graphics Symposium, 2000.
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M. S. T. Carpendale, D. J. Cowperthwaite, M. Tigges, A. Fall and F. D. Fracchia. The Tardis: A Visual Exploration Environment for Landscape Dynamics. In Proceedings of SPIE Conference on Visual Data Exploration and Analysis VI, vol. 3643, pages 110-119, 1999.
J. van der Heyden, S. Atkins, K. Inkpen and M. S. T. Carpendale. Visual Presentation of Magnetic Resonance Images. In Proceedings of SPIE International Symposium on Medical Imaging 1999, pages 370-381, 1999.
M. Tigges, M. S. T. Carpendale and B. Wyvill. Generalized Distance Metrics for Implicit Surface Modeling. In Proceedings of the Tenth Western Computer Graphics Symposium, pages 14-18, 1999.
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M. Tigges, M. S. T. Carpendale and B. Wyvill. Alternate Distance Metrics for Implicit Surface Modeling. In Graphics Interface, pages 25-26, 1999.
J. van der Heyden, K. Inkpen, S. Atkins and M. S. T. Carpendale. A User Centred Task Analysis of Interface Requirements for MRI Viewing. In Proceedings of Graphics Interface, pages 18-26, 1999.
J. van der Heyden, M. S. T. Carpendale, K. Inkpen and S. Atkins. Case Study: Visual Presentation of Magnetic Resonance Images. In IEEE Visualization. IEEE Computer Society and ACM, pages 423-426, 1998.
M. Lantin and M. S. T. Carpendale. Case Study: Supporting Detail in Context for the DNA Representation, H-Curves. In IEEE Visualization. IEEE Computer Society and ACM, pages 443-446, 1998.
M. S. T. Carpendale, M. Tigges, David J. Cowperthwaite and F. D. Fracchia. Bringing the Advantages of 3D Distortion Viewing into Focus. In IEEE Visualization. IEEE Computer Society and ACM, pages 17-20, 1998.
M. S. T. Carpendale, D. J. Cowperthwaite and F. D. Fracchia. Making Distortions Comprehensible. In IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages. IEEE Computer Society, pages 36-45, 1997.
M. S. T. Carpendale, D. J. Cowperthwaite and F. D. Fracchia. Multi-scale Viewing. In ACM SIGGRAPH 96 Visual Proceedings: The art and interdisciplinary programs of SIGGRAPH '96. ACM Press, pages 149-149, 1996.
D. Cowperthwaite, M. S. T. Carpendale and F. D. Fracchia. Visual Access for 3D Data. In CHI 96 Extended Abstracts. ACM, pages 175-176, 1996.
M. S. T. Carpendale, A. Fall, D. J. Cowperthwaite, J. Fall and F. D. Fracchia. Case Study: Visual Access for Landscape Event Based Temporal Data. In IEEE Visualization. IEEE Computer Society and ACM, pages 425-428, 1996.
M. S. T. Carpendale, David J. Cowperthwaite and F. D. Fracchia. Distortion Viewing Techniques for 3D Data. In IEEE Visualization. IEEE Computer Society and ACM, pages 46-53, 1996.
M. S. T. Carpendale, D. Cowperthwaite, F. D. Fracchia and T. Shermer. Graph Folding: Extending Detail and Context Viewing into a Tool for Subgraph Comparisons. In Proceedings of the Symposium on Graph Drawing, pages 127-139, 1995.
M. S. T. Carpendale, D. J. Cowperthwaite and F. D. Fracchia. Three-Dimensional Pliable Surfaces: For Effective Presentation of Visual Information. In Proceedings of the 8th ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology. ACM, pages 217-226, 1995.