
Aspect performing blueMango with an interactive animated score.
blueMango Performance Video (Vimeo)
Aspect is a music ensemble featuring Simon Fay, Lawrence Fyfe, and Aura Pon. The ensemble serves as a musical vehicle for the research of its members who are all PhD students in the Computational Media Design program at the University of Calgary. Aspect performances are centered on the use of either video or animated notations as scores for fixed performances or structured improvisations.
Selected Performances

Aspect after a performance at ICMC-SMC 2014.
_under_scored_ Performance Video (Vimeo)
International Computer Music Conference - Sound and Music Computing (ICMC-SMC)
September 16, 2014 | Athens, Greece
At the joint ICMC-SMC conference, Aspect performed Simon Fay's piece, _under_scored_. The piece is Jazz fusion and features Simon on guitar, Aura on oboe, and Lawrence on a multi-touch tablet. This performance features three generations of instrument from acoustic to analog electric to digital.
Coast X Coast
February 16, 2014 | University of Calgary
The concert featured four Canadian composers from coast to coast. Aspect performed Aura Pon's piece Concordia Discors for three phones and an animated score.
Computational Media Design Workshop
March 2, 2013 | Banff Centre
The first public performance of the Aspect ensemble. In this performance, the ensemble improvised Alice using a digitized film version of Alice in Wonderland (1903) as a visual score.